Physical Education


PED 0111/0112: Pe/Health A/B

Credits 1.0 (0.5 Credits Per Semester)

All students will participate in various team and individual sports. These classes address: development of a cardiovascular fitness program, the significance of flexibility and howto attain it, and the importance of team play and sportsmanship. All sports will be addressed with a sound, developmental teaching style. Students will participate in a variety of sports, such as, pickle ball, badminton, archery, softball, hockey, football, basketball, volleyball, and soccer as well as pre and post physical fitness testing.

PED 0140: Cross Training

Credits 0.5 (Per Semester)
Cross training is a semester long elective course designed for driven, hardworking individuals. This class will consist of some weight training, speed development, agility, and quickness training, games, competitions, and fun. Different subject matter such as nutrition, body composition, and heart rate will also be taught.

PED 0220/0232: Weight Training A/B

Credits 1.0 (0.5 Credits Per Semester)

This course introduces students to all types of resistance training. The class consists of a four-day weightlifting program with emphasis on technique and safety. One day per week is designated for fitness-related activity. Weight training is not offered to freshmen. It may be repeated for credit.